Blake Street by B.E ARCHITECTURE

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Blake Street it was desiigned by B.E ARCHITECTURE.

Blake Street by B.E ARCHITECTURE Pict

Blake Street by B.E ARCHITECTURE Picture

Blake Street by B.E ARCHITECTURE Pictures

Blake Street by B.E ARCHITECTURE

“The Blake Street House was intended to investigate a typology of coastal architecture which responded primarily to the ruggedness of its Australian landscape setting. This dictated elevating the house above the ground plane through the construction of a massive stone podium. The choice of Maffra stone and its rudimentary construction relates to similar stonework seen in many of the historic buildings in the surrounding area. The timber construction of the upper level of the house befits the coastal context of the house and provides a deliberate contrast to the solidity and heaviness of the stonework. The exposure of the site necessitated treating the timber cladding to prolong its lifespan. From this a strong graphic composition of charcoal and white was developed which further enlivens the house. The house has been designed to preserve the ruggedness of the existing landscape without compromising the utility of the house. Its elevated position gives occupants the experience of feeling like they are within the tree canopy when they are inside the house. In response to the brief there is a variety of spaces with different aspects that provide enjoyment to users throughout both the day and the year. Due to the exposure of the site, outdoor spaces are located on the leeward side of the house offering greater protection from the weather.”

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